An easy change

A while back I wanted to make a change on the popular ceramic vase, Industriell from
Ikea. I really love the shape and the handmade look of this vase.

Industriell vase before the change.

Industriell vase before the change.

I wanted to create a raw texture so I decided to use Jotun spackling. Spackle is a great product to work with, there are many different ways to put it on, it all depends one the look you want.

I wanted to create a raw texture so I decided to use Jotun spackling. Spackle is a great product to work with, there are many different ways to put it on, it all depends one the look you want.

I used a piece of cardboard to apply the spackle with.

I used a piece of cardboard to apply the spackle with.

So happy with the finished result. Love the mix between the raw and the soft textures.

So happy with the finished result. Love the mix between the raw and the soft textures.

By just applying the spackle the vase got a totally new look. This is such an easy way to give your interior a personal touch. You can as I did just use the spackle, or you can spackle and then paint it, or just paint it…….the options are many so don´t be afraid to try!

Lots of love C


Smile to your shelf


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